
We are a technology company. Therefore, we do not possess the necessary medical competency to develop a medical training tool alone. For this reason, it has always been a top priority for us to find good, skilled collaborators with the medical competency needed, to complement our technological understanding.

Projects and partners

Tromsø kommune

Tromsø municipality is a partner that has been actively participating in the development of CTD Health. They are contributing through continuous testing and feedback to make CTD Health a good and relevant learning tool for the health service. Tromsø kommune er en samarbeidspartner som har vært med på å utvikle CTD Helse. De bidrar aktivt med testing og tilbakemeldinger for å gjøre CTD Helse et godt og relevant opplæringsprogram for helsetjenesten.

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Dyrøy kommune

Dyrøy municipality is a regional municipality focusing competency development through the KlinObsKommune model. They are part of our innovation project and play an active part in testing and validating our learning tool against their needs.

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Through the Close the Gap project, we are cooperating with Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) to develop a virtual world facilitating collaboration between the municipal healthcare service and specialist health care services. The simulation department at Ahus are contributing with feedback on how we can maximise the learning outcome of VR training.

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USHT Troms

The social mission of USHT is improve the quality of health and care service through professional and competency development and spread new knowledge, new solutions and national guides. USHT also contribute to renewal and improving in line with the needs of the municipalities. USHT Troms is the project leader for the public side in our private-public innovation project.

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Innovasjonsprosjekt VR

We are together with our partners from USHT Troms, Tromsø and Dyrøy municipality developing VR solutions adapted to the local needs and demands in the municipal health service. The municipalities are contributing to the project through requirement specifications, testing and validation of our solutions against professional and regulatory demands.

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Together with The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) we develop a virtual world where health profession students are enabled to train on performing clinical conversations with patients/users. They train specifically on skills connected to relational competency which they use for e.g. alliance building or skills in exploring the patient's life world and issues.

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Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT)

CTD is collaborating with the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) on the TeraVRi project to develop a virtual world adapted to healthcare students.

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Close the Gap (CTG)

The goal of the Close the Gap project is to address the competency gap in municipal and state healthcare services hindering efficient and proper collaboration. Based on the competency model "KlinObsKommune", the project will implement simulations to practise inter-municipal cooperation and collaboration between municipal and specialist health services.

European Commission

Through the Women TechEU grant, our company received valuable mentorship and funding support from the European Commission. We successfully achieved our objectives in market mapping, product development, and tender participation, and gained valuable leadership skills from our coach and mentor. Overall, the program was a transformative experience that helped us enhance our strategies and increase our chances of success in facilitating medical training.

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